Leading with 
Clinical Design

Healthcare expertise informs the people, processes, and technology that create Omega Healthcare’s intelligent solutions.

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Empowering Your Team with Clinical Expertise

We apply a clinical design mindset to everything we do, ensuring that each intelligent solution is rooted in a deep understanding of clinical workflows and patient needs.

This approach integrates advanced technology and decades of domain expertise with the nuances of clinical practice, enabling your organization to not only enhance efficiency but also improve accuracy and patient outcomes.

Our team of more than 1,000 clinical resources helps reduce clinician burnout and administrative burdens, drive care coordination, and facilitate clinical research on a global scale.

Support calls & EHR inbox
       emails annually
0 M
Revenue increase with CDI
2 -5%
Clinical trials managed
0 +

featured case study

NYU Langone Health Reduces Physician Burnout

Learn how physicians gained more time for face-to-face patient interaction.

Our Solutions

Omega Healthcare offers a range of intelligent solutions that offer clinical enablement across the healthcare ecosystem.

EHR Inbox Management

Clinical staff relieves inbox messaging and administrative burdens, offering patients needed access while reducing burnout.

Clinical Documentation Improvement

Peer-to-peer education and actionable feedback enhance physician engagement to increase accurate and compliant documentation, coding, and reimbursement.

Care Coordination and 
Nurse-led Services

Clinical resources and leadership for enhanced care coordination.

Value-based Care Contract Support

Manage risk-adjusted populations with more accurate and complete HCC coding and feedback.

Clinical Quality Measure Reporting

Track clinical quality measures to support provider reporting and compliance (e.g., MIPS, MVPs, Medicaid, other contracted payer quality measures).

Health Data Curation

Real-world data and clinical trial management to accelerate oncology research and improve patient outcomes.

Registry Management

Registry management to meet compliance requirements and support public health efforts, including but not limited to cancer, trauma, stroke, chest pain, bone marrow, QOPI.

Utilization/Case Management

Solutions designed to drive appropriate use of services and care plan adherence.

Medical Prior Authorizations Support

Tools to facilitate faster authorizations and fewer care delays.

Clinical Denials Management

Strategic support to reduce denials, appeals rework, and write-offs.

Contact Us

Contact us today to learn how our technology-led, clinically enabled solutions can help your organization thrive.